Student Support

Pomona Unified School District's Adult and Career Education (PUSD/ACE) connects you to services and programs that are aligned to the needs of our adult student population. The school seeks to enhance its educational effectiveness by developing close partnerships and relationships with community members. Connections within the community provide students with expanded learning experiences, including additional educational or career opportunities.


Pomona Adult and Career Education is proud to be partners with: 


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1. Each program has specific rules and regulations. Adhere to campus specific rules and regulations. 
2. The school is not responsible for loss or damage to personal property. 
3. Loitering on campus or the parking lot is not permitted. Students found loitering will be asked to leave campus. 
4. If students need to leave campus for any reason, including lunch, they must sign out. 
5. Food is not permitted in any of the classrooms or buildings. 
6. Students may not sell or solicit any products. 
7. Smoking is not permitted on campus. 
8. Cell phone usage is not allowed in the classrooms. 

The school does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, ancestry, religion, age, gender or handicap in enrollment or 

All students are expected to behave in ways that contribute to an atmosphere conducive to learning. Students are required to participate 
in maintaining discipline and order, which may be described as the absence of distractions, friction, and disturbances that interfere with 
Conduct which interferes with the learning or safety of other students will be treated as a serious problem. Students who violate 
classroom rules or demonstrate inappropriate behavior may be referred to admin. Repeated inappropriate behavior will be documented 
on a Student Assistance Request Form. If the behavior continues after the first referral, disciplinary action, including possible dismissal, 
may be taken. Adult students will be removed permanently from the program after the first infraction for any of the following offenses: 
1. Destruction of school property. 
2. Possessing, selling, and/or using drugs or any other controlled substances. 
3. Possessing and/or drinking alcoholic beverages. 
4. Threatening to do bodily harm to others, extortion, or intimidation. 
5. Possession of any type of weapons. 
Any adult student receiving more than one referral will be required to meet with the Case Conference Team (CCT) to discuss the circumstances resulting in the referral. The CCT will meet as needed to review and discuss a plan of action that will best benefit the 
student and the school. 

1. Regular attendance is expected. Student will be dropped from class if he has been absent after 3 consecutive absences. 
2. All students must work quietly to keep from disturbing others. 
3. Do not disturb other students by visiting them in the classrooms. 
4. Do not write in or damage books in any way. Students will be charged the cost of the book if they are written in or damaged. 

1. All books and materials must remain in the classroom. Do not take the book home. Students will be charged for the cost of the books 
if they are not returned at the end of the class. 
2. Do not bring your spouse, children, relatives, or friends to the classroom. 
3. There are scheduled breaks for students. Students are expected to honor the scheduled break time. 
4. Students should be in class when they are not on their scheduled break. 

1. The abuse of classroom rules may result in dismissal from the program. If the code of acceptable behavior to the rules and 
regulations is not met, students will be referred to staff only once. If the behavior continues, documentation may result in dismissal from 
the program. 
2. Obnoxious, loud, rude, and other inappropriate behaviors distracting to a positive learning environment will not be tolerated and may 
result in a referral and/or dismissal from the program. 

Students are expected to exhibit the highest standards of academic integrity. Cheating is considered a serious academic violation and 
disciplinary action may include suspension and/or recommendation for expulsion. The following are examples of cheating and includes, 
but is not limited to: 
1. Copying another student’s class work, homework, test, exam, or quiz. 
2. Stealing work or testing materials from students or teachers. 
3. Having others do a student’s work, reports, or projects. 
4. Handling or receiving stolen testing materials. 
5. Altering a teacher’s grade book. 
6. Inappropriate communication during a test (talking, passing notes, looking at another student’s test).